Friday, August 24, 2007

the spooks.....

Sorry for the lapse in posts....

Recently, I have been thinking of dates, and their symbolic meanings. As you may know, I thought that 777 was a very important date to the spookies in the gov't. Now, I am beginning to focus on 09-13-07 as a potential date of terror. It would be all too obvious to use the already-used "9-11" date for an attack, but 9-13 is wide open. I am sure you all have heard about the "chatter" alarms we are getting on the nightly news about suspicious looking dudes checking out ferries in Washington State. So, the propaganda machine is already well ahead of the news cycle. Remember, I have told you all many times that I do not think Bush et al will leave office in Jan 2009, and that he will activate "Directive 51" and the National Continuity Policy to stay in power permanently as the DICTATOR of these United States....

More to follow......