Friday, August 06, 2010

Seven Heads Ten Horns

In Revelation 13, we read about the mysterious beast with "seven heads and ten horns" that has terrified and confused humans ever since it was written in 90AD. Many different and bizarre theories have been put forth to explain this enigmatic vision.

However, in our modern day and age, it is very simple to identify these "heads and horns".

I have been stating very clearly now for over five years on television, and in our home bible studies, the identity of this symbolism. Now, I am doing the same on live AM radio here in Ashland VA, on WHAN 1430 AM.

Here is the identity of these strange and misunderstood symbols:

Seven Heads: G7, the "Global" gang of industrialized nations, which is a part of the G8/G20 group of world leaders.

Ten Horns: the "Ten Zones" of the planet that has been pre-determined by the "Club of Rome" and the Committee of 300, that basically controls and runs the entire planet, started by none other than David Rockefeller himself.

Now, please someone tell me.... what else on this entire earth even comes close to this exact line-up of seven powerful world rulers, controlling 10 zones of a split-up planet...??? THERE IS NOTHING ELSE....!!! If we are in the "end-times", as indeed we are, what is everyone else lookiong too or waiting for....??? the BEAST SYSTEM IS HERE NOW. It is everywhere, all aroung you constantly, and you CANNOT get out of it without DIVINE PROTECTION.

What will you do..... who will you follow.....???

Joshua 24:15 "but as for me and my house, we will serve the LORD"

Keep the faith,


Saturday, June 26, 2010

evacuations coming...???

from Steve Quayle:

Extreme Alert-Move Your Families Now!

June 25, 2010
Steve Quayle

Inside sources have informed me that Full scale Gulf Coast evacuations are expected to begin in next couple of weeks--With Methane now surfacing and Bubbling in Florida waters the potential for a Methane Explosion of unimaginable devastation now comes into focus Further Law Enforcement Sources are being Advised of "ESCALATING VENT DETERIORATION" Two Definitions were provided to me--First "VENT" DEFINITION-"The opening in a volcano from which gas and molten rock erupt" and "ESCALATES"- DEFINITION GIVEN-"To expand step by step as from a limited or local conflict into a General NUCLEAR WAR"--to become unmanageable--You don't need a rocket science degree to read between the lines. Ten Years ago after the Papua New Guinea Earthquake in which "Burnt to a Crisp" bodies were pulled from the Fiery Seas-Stan Deyo and I did multiple Radio programs together over the years, warning of the Methane Hydrate Problems off our Coasts that could turn into "Seas Of Fire". Now maybe you can understand our warnings in perspective!. With massive numbers of Military assets being moved south it is being stated, that Martial Law initially will be on a regional Basis,. You will have no choice-- as you will be moved against your will, to places you really don't want to be moved to. Have you wondered what will become of everyones "stuff" thats left behind in abandoned homes and offices--THEY HAVE!--"To the Victors (THE NWO CROWD) go the spoils"! I encourage everyone to prayerfully consider all the above information and use your GOD GIVEN FREE WILL TO MOVE. There will be a complete shutdown of all commerce and Industry in the Areas affected by the Forced Evacuations. Don't assume your credit cards will work at this time, as a "Cyberattack" is to be Launched against the "US FINANCIAL" System concurrent with the mass evacuations that will deny access to funds--Have Cash on Hand to get you where you need to go. LIFE AS WE HAVE KNOWN IS ABOUT TO TAKE AN APOCALYPTIC CHANGE--FOR THE WORST. Now's a great time to get right with JESUS-as he told us this stuff was going to happen in Matthew 24,Luke 21 and in the Book of Revelation--May the GOD OF HEAVEN Guide and Direct those who "CALL OUT TO HIM IN REPENTANCE AND FAITH". Emergency preparations in dealing with the expanding oil menace are now being made for cities and towns from Corpus Christi, Texas, to Houston, New Orleans, Gulfport, Mobile, Pensacola, Tampa-St.Petersburg-Clearwater, Sarasota-Bradenton, Naples, and Key West. Some 36 FEMA-funded contracts between cities, towns, and counties and emergency workers are due to be invoked within days, if not hours, according to WMR's FEMA sources. (Wayne Madsen Reports)

Monday, June 21, 2010

Nero fiddles as Rome burns...

Hi to everyone on the email list, and to a few other friends....
Tomorrow, we are entering into a very interesting new week for the nation.
Not only does summer begin, but also an entire new week of speculation about the current disaster that is the Gulf of Mexico, and the Obama Presidency.
I am certain that most, if not all of you, watched the completely pathetic speech by the anointed one himself last Tuesday. This speech was forgettable on several different levels, and was probably one of the most important speeches that COULD of been given from the Oval Office in the White House. No doubt that this nation, and the entire planet, is facing a very grave and serious disaster in the Gulf concerning the explosion of the BP oil platform last April 20.
Oil is now washing ashore as far away as Panama City, FL... with no end in sight. Clearly, the spill is a national emergency and is threatening the very way of life for tens of thousands of the Gulf's citizens... as well as the economy of our entire nation. What do you think will happen to the price of gasoline over the next few summer months...??? Basically everything that we consume as Americans comes to us via trucks, trains, planes, and ships..... that ALL consume fuel. Wed can expect price increases across the board over the next few weeks and months.
And as far as the spill itself goes, there appears no real end to the situation and no real method to stop the oil from gushing out of the earth into the Gulf. Just today it was announced that the REAL amount of oil being released may exceed 100,000 BARRELS a day. A barrel holds 50 gallons. This truly is the ultimate disaster one could expect from the oil companies drilling in the Gulf.
But given such a scenario, Obama's speech paled in comparison to the situation at hand. it seemed wishy-washy, and sounded like a bad infomercial for most if it. What really struck me was the absolute LACK of any signs of true LEADERSHIP and exposed Obama's lack of executive experience. The main thrust of the speech was NOT about how we stop the leak, but was more of a bitch session about BP, and more about future regulation and energy bills that may be passed down the road. Even the supposed 20 BILLION dollar account to be set up had already been planned for by BP prior to any White House meetings with Obama.
But what concerns me the most about the speech was the feeling I was left with about Obama. It was abundantly clear to me that he is a sock-puppet for the NWO, and is probably the mouthpiece of Rham Emmanuel. it is almost as though Barack was put out in front of the camera to purposefully come across as an incompetent boob for all of the world to see, as a method to set him up for removal.... and such a removal may not come about by peaceful means....
I can already hear the applause of those on the Right if Obama was removed from office, as even those on the Left are clearly now turning on the President for his poor performance with the Gulf situation and his comical speech last Tuesday night. Is there a sinister plan in play to set up Obama as a scapegoat for removal from office...??? A plan that has been in the works long before Obama even took office...??? Is the NWO on the verge of taking over the United States through a series of blatantly FALSE FLAG attacks upon our nation...??? Time most certainly is going to tell.... and soon.
Operation "Deadly Tide"
Recently, I ran across an article online discussing the very real "Operation Deadly Tide" that is to be implemented if requested by the Federal Government in the Gulf Coast states. This operation involves the evacuation of the ENTIRE Gulf Coast states due to the very high level of toxic chemicals in the atmosphere that cause respiratory and eye problems in those close to the oil-infected waters near the coast. The plan may entail removing ALL humans in the exposed zone, which may include all Gulf states, up to a HUNDRED MILES inland, and may include up to TWENTY MILLION citizens. Where they all go....??? FEMA camps, pure and simple. Just like the refugees of Katrina. "Operation Swift Fox" is to compliment "Deadly Tide".
One main concern I have over the BP incident is that this is most likely a ploy by the NWO to take over the oil industry here in the USA, and to limit the amount of fuel that we as USA citizens will be allowed to consume. This will have the ultimate effect of securing the bulk of these fuels that can be consumed by the NWO and their military machine. And why you may ask...??? Because the NWO fears CHINA, and does not want to lose any footing to their (China's) industrial and military complexes. The largest consumer of oil on the planet is so far the USA military machine.
Operation "Blackjack"
I have written and spoken about Operation Blackjack extensively over the past two years. I recommend that the reader of this article "Google" Operation Blackjack to become more familiar with the concept. Basically, Blackjack centers around a mysterious and hidden "cabal" of wicked military and political leaders who's aim is to take over the planet through a series of "terrorist attacks" using nuclear weapons, which destabilizes the planet which allows these madmen to rush in and take over the nations. Some call the series "fictitious".... I call it PREDICTIVE PROGRAMMING, along the lines of "24" and "Jericho". In one panel of the cartoonish series, they show a campaigning Obama side-by-side with JFK in a limo in Dallas shortly before he was assassinated. What kind of comparisons are we to draw from this curious positioning of a REAL politician next to a REAL President that was shot...???
The date of Operation Blackjack....???? June 22...... no year is given.
This frame show the fallout results of the nuclear blasts from Blackjack......
I have a policy at True Bread that we DO NOT set dates.... the dates referred to in this email come from Operation Blackjack as published by the psychopaths from the London Telegraph.. I am just not going to be so stupid in my observations as to think that these MADMEN will not try something exactly like Blackjack to impose their diabolical plan for Martial Law, a one world currency, and a ONE WORLD DIDCTATOR.
Co-incidentally, this is very similar to the scenario found in REVELATION 13. Though rest assured.... it is no co-incidence. I do not know the exact sequence of events that will produce the ANTICHRIST, but Blackjack so far is my top pick for just such a situation, and Obama seems more and more every day to being set up for the kill, just like BLACKJACK describes.
Is the oil disaster just the catalyst that "they" (the NWO) is looking for to further their agenda...??? The explosion of the Deepwater Horizon Oil Platform is very mysterious indeed, and occurred on Hitler's birthday.. and sunk on Earth Day. Goldman Sachs as well as Tony Hayward, sold large amounts of stock holdings in BP shortly before the explosion. Halliburton poured the concrete sleeve surrounding the drill just hours before the explosion, and had just days before bought a company who were experts in oil spill clean-ups. (Boots and Coots)
Too many questions... too many "co-incidences"...
The next few hours and days will provide many of these answers....
Sadly, mankind cannot provide the solutions to these unsolvable problems......
Keep the faith,

Friday, April 02, 2010

Rev Manning vs. Obama

Another classic video from Obama's nemesis, Rev. Manning:

Monday, March 29, 2010

Statement on "violence"

Hi everyone,

It has become very obvious to me over the past few weeks that the situation in the country is getting very tense, and that some on the left AND right are stoking the fears and emotions of many of their listeners. I had a run-in with an AM on air personality here in Richmond, when I challenged his inflammatory statements. These "talking heads" really don't understand very well that it will take only ONE remark to set someone off, and push them over the edge into violence.

Therefore, I have decided to come out strongly on this issue in both the radio program, as well as the TV program, and state very clearly that True Bread is absolutely NON-VIOLENT, and reject any who tend to lead in that direction. Violence against governmental authority is the very LAST thing that Christ would have encouraged. Better yet, He NEVER would of encouraged it, and taught against violence throughout His ministry.

Peace, and LOVE, is the only way... even if it costs us our lives.

Sunday, March 28, 2010

Blip TV

Hi everyone,

here is the link to my "Blip TV" account, where all of the most recent studies are posted:

Our website,, has almost every study ever made listed under the "bible studies" tab. The most recent studeis will always be viewable on Blip TV, and once we get the link posted on the site, you will not have to leave the main site.

Wednesday, March 24, 2010

access to videos

Hi everyone,

I am going to attempt to use this blog as another source for all of our videos that are posted on Google, and

Monday, March 15, 2010


"Perspectives on Prophecy" coming soon: daily/weekly updates on current world events and their relationship to biblical prophecy. Especially REVELATION 13.

conference call numbers

Hi everyone,

We are back in the conference call mode...!!!

Dial: (218) 844-8230
PIN: 142486#

time: every Sabbath at 3PM Eastern (Saturdays)

please feel free to listen in....!!

AM Radio

I will be starting a local radio program every Saturday between 10:00AM and 11:00AM here in Ashland VA on 1430 AM. I will try to simulcast the program soon, but will probably not habe everything set up for the first show. Check back soon....!!!