Thursday, September 13, 2007

9-13, the "other" day....


This is the day I was almost not here any longer....

At around 10 PM on a dark street in Richmond, I was hit head-on by a drunk driver while riding my motorcycle to a friend's house. He came out of nowhere as he turned onto my street, and hit me in my lane, as I tried to avoid him. I remember being pissed that he was in my lane, and then being certain that he was going to hit me. I closed my eyes and laid down my bike.... Next thing I knew I was laying in a ditch alone, unable to breathe, with my shoes in the street. I remember thinking clearly "so, this is what it feels like to die...!!!". But I wasn't "quite dead yet" and friends arrived shortly after, and I was put on a backboard and driven off to the hospital in an ambulance. The next two weeks were spent flat on my back in a room, and having tons of friends drop by to make me laugh.... Only 17, my back was strong and I healed completely, thankfully.... and now, here I am bothering you with this blog... thank God..!!!

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