Wednesday, December 07, 2011

NDAA legislation

Hi everyone,
Over the years, I have had the opportunity and privilege to send out 100's of emails, and to communicate with all of you on my email list for True Bread, and I am very thankful for the chance to do so....
However, this is probably the most serious and dangerous letter I have ever had to write and to submit to this list of like-minded individuals. I gave serious consideration to calling this a RED ALERT message, but decided against that as to not appear hysterical.
However, you can decide for yourselves as to the critical nature of this email....
This message will focus on the latest product from the fourth reich known as the NDAA:
the "National Defense Authorization Act"
As many of you know, I was working as an airline pilot on 9-11, and was stuck in a hotel room in Missouri for three days, as there were no flights allowed to come get the crews that were stranded. 9-11 has changed my entire life. I am not in the moon to reconstruct that scenario just now, but be assured it altered the course of my existence, and has focused my attention on the NWO and their operatives... and in some ways has lead to True Bread.
After 9-11, we have been treated, as American citizens, to the most draconian and vicious "laws" a human mind can even begin to perceive. How is it, that AFTER a "supposed" enemy attacks this great nation and peoples - on our own soil - that now WE are somehow the suspects, and that we as "patriotic" Americans are now subjected to the most humiliating and disgusting treatment imaginable, all in the name of "security"..??? Is it not imaginable that this so-called "terror attack" was the catalyst that has produced such abusive laws in the first place, and that maybe this event was actually planned and orchestrated by the NWO to in act the very laws that we are subject to today...???
As most of you on this list are well-educated and intelligent humans, I will not waste your time refreshing your memory of the events that have taken place in this nation since that dark day over a decade ago now. However, please remember that one of the most evil byproducts of 9-11 was the PARTIOT ACT. This rights-stripping piece of filth known as "legislation" is one of the most abusive forms of law to come out of Congress since there ever was a Congress. And all in the name of "security". Most of this law was negotiated in SECRET, and not even members of Congress themselves could even read it... all in the name of "security".
Prior to this little gem of a law, came "PDD 51". Most reading this probably have no clue as to what this term means, or even is... but I do. PDD 51 is the Executive Order that gives the President virtual dictatorial control over EVERYTHING in this nation, should an "event" warrant such actions. Who determines the exact defintion of such an "event" is still a mystery, but unknown to most Americans is that we are STILL currently under a STATE OF EMERGENCY since, and because of, 9-11.
But, this is all WINDOW DRESSING compared to what happened in YOUR NATION a few nights ago. Actually the NATION that you thought you lived in is now DEAD and no longer exists after December 1 2011.
Now, with the passage of the NDAA (National Defense Authorization Act) all of us can be considered TERRORISTS...!!! That's right... your illustrious Federal Government has decided, in the Senate, to consider ANY CITIZEN it wants to be a "threat to the Homeland" and can be dispensed of accordingly.... which more than likely means a FEMA camp, or worse.... Just as the American citizen in Yemen was targeted for assassination, maybe you will be, too... And the beauty of it all is, for the NWO of course, is that NO ONE can question their decisions, all in the name of "security".... After all, who in their right mind would dare question the Dear Leader on any issues involving "security"...???
You and I, right now, no longer live in the concept formally known to us since childhood as the "United States of America"... You and I now live in a land that should correctly be called the TYRANNICAL STATES OF AMERICA..... and are being ruled by a DICTATOR appointed by Goldman Sachs.
Now, we are all ENEMY COMBATANTS according to the NWO.... exactly like the way all citizens of Germany were "suspects" just prior to WW II.....
Welcome to the FOURTH REICH, as prophesied in Revelation 13....
Here are a few links to support my position:
and the main link:
Bonus: Gerald Celente interview (must watch)
Obviously, I will be discussing this NDAA law over the next few days and weeks on the radio and television programs and will be sending out emails and alerts as appropriate....
Please follow the links and do your own research, and remember to PROVE ALL THINGS to yourselves....
Keep the faith,

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